
I’m weird. I have weird ways of saying things. I have a weird sense of humor. Read my tweets, and you’ll know its true. Weird is a blanket statement though. At first it was meant to be hurtful (which I never got hurt by it), then it became what it is today. It’s just the way things are, people are weird. Weird, in my experience, can mean a couple things,: the “stare at you for way too long” kind of weird and the “lets go get milkshakes and dip fries in it while talking in a British accent” weird.

Everyone used to be normal, doing the things normal people did and if you deviated from that then you were weird and no one wanted to play with you. It was a word no one used to describe interesting, creative people like they do today. So, to me, weird is just better to be than normal. Being normal is like being a Stepford wife or something. It’s like eating vanilla when there are flavors like Rocky Road or Chunky Monkey out there. And, the thing is that everyone has something that people will find weird, making them weird themselves.  So, love me for my weirdness and just accept it because its just fun times.

Just the thought of the day.

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